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BetterTimes is committed to choosing a healthy time zone.


For our well-being and health, WHEN we work, rest or sleep plays a major role, because our internal clock does not adjust our body to the above-mentioned activities at all times of the day. When we have to work and when we are allowed to sleep, however, depends on social guidelines and the time. The choice of the legally specified time and thus the choice of the time zone in a country consequently have a great influence on our well-being.


In this regard, there has been a promising development in Europe in recent years. On March 26, 2019, the European Parliament approved the EU proposal to abolish the seasonal clock change between standard time and summer time. It is now up to the individual countries to decide by 2021 which legal time should apply all year round. Unfortunately, there has been no progress on this in the European Union since then. Debates were not continued by the member states. Many expressed the wish for a comprehensive impact assessment of the project.


On October 24, 2022, experts presented a proposal to abolish the clock change, summarizing scientific knowledge on the topic in the areas of health, economy, environment, safety and education. Based on these facts, the experts advocate the introduction of year-round natural time zones in Europe. The proposal can be seen here in various languages.


This is a great opportunity for the countries of Europe. In addition to the abolition of the clock change, which causes difficulties for many people, especially families with children, there is now the possibility of choosing a year-round legal time that comes as close as possible to a natural time. A natural time is a time that indicates the actual time of day based on the position of the sun and is therefore compatible with our internal clock. 


Daylight Saving Time (summer time), on the other hand, is an artificial time that does not indicate the real time of day. Under summer time, a country lives in a time zone that is too far east for its geographical location. This leads to daily routines being artificially early. Everything takes place an hour earlier within the natural day-night cycle. This results in incompatibility with the inner clock and the associated negative effects on our health, especially when implemented permanently. When choosing between a country's standard time and summer time, experts on sleep and the internal clock as well as national and international scientific organizations around the world are in favor of the year-round use of standard time.


But what about that one hour more light in the evening? It can still exist. In summer time it is no longer light, we just go to bed and get up sooner. The personal preference for such early daily routines can also be organized under standard time on an individual level.


However, clocks must reliably (at least approximately) indicate the real time of day and enable a healthy and enjoyable life for everyone. BetterTimes is committed to this.


For every country its natural time.


Initiative: Healthy Time Zone

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