Get Involved!

Spread knowledge
Many people are unaware of the harmful effects of an unnatural time of day. Clarify.
Talk to your family, friends and colleagues.
Share sir our website.
Follow us on social media.

Write to politicians
You can find sample letters here .
To improve the world a little bit.

Live according to normal time
If you can set it up in your everyday life, you will also live according to standard time during the summer time. You will quickly notice how positive this has on your wellbeing. Here you will find tips and support for implementation, as well as experience reports from normal-time living

Send us a data subject report
Do you personally suffer from the summer time? You are not alone. Share your problems with us and other stakeholders. This helps fellow sufferers to end the silence. We will be happy to publish your report on request - either by name or anonymously.

Send us your opinion
We collect concerns about a permanent summer time of all professional groups and private individuals and pass them on to politicians. Write to us at .

Would you like to get more involved? We are actively looking for helpers
Your help is welcome! Contact us at to find out how we can work together to make the world a little bit better.