Retired primary school teacher
"Dear Sir or Madam,
Since the early 1990s, the voices of those who criticize the Daylight Saving Time change in Germany since 1980 have been increasing. I myself - retired primary school teacher, born in 1938 - have not got used to it until today. Even when I am retired, I find it difficult to get up an hour earlier because of medical appointments at 8 a.m. during Daylight Saving Time. My internal clock doesn't deal well with it throughout the entirety of the time. I switch off the lights around 10.30 p.m. in the winter half-year, but I do not get tired before 11.30 p.m. in the summer half-year.As a volunteer at primary schools, I strongly disapprove of the fact that even primary school children and teachers are ruthlessly imposed on this time change. Even during Standard time, the often early start of school at 8 a.m. is classified as contrary to learning and development not only for primary school pupils, but especially for adolescents during puberty. We have to take into account how early some students have to get out of bed because of the long way to school! The number of students with learning difficulties and those with learning disabilities has increased from year to year, a fact that is exacerbated by the time change dictation. My previous teaching experience in the 1980s, after the introduction of “summer time” confirms this. Some students come to school unslept, because during Daylight Saving Time it is bright in evenings very long, especially in the densely populated west of Germany.
Older people, who have to take their medication at certain times of the day, have physical problems. As a type 1 diabetic, I always have to inject my basal insulin at about the same time, and I can't tolerate any deviations.
Let's take Russia as an example, which has returned to normal time all year round. There have also been voices that have spoken in favor of a year-round “Daylight Saving Time”, also in winter: don't do it! I repeat: those who are particularly affected by the Daylight Saving Time regulation are children and young people and their teachers. We cannot harmlessly manipulate everyone to “larks” (early risers). Many of you, esteemed Members of Parliament, Members of the Committee, will also agree with me on at least a few points.
I also forward my opinion to other bodies.
Regarding your valued answer, I greet you kindly
XY "